Welcome to IQ Green Solutions!
Your sustainable, natural and safe solution to health and sanitisation.
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Kills 99.99% of germs
- Kills harmful pathogens (bacteria, fungi, viruses, e.tc.)
- Eco-friendly and biodegradable
- Non-irritant and non-toxic
- Suitable for all skin types
- Removes bad odours
- Child friendly
- Is safe for all uses

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is an active component of white blood cells, produced in all humans and animals.
We produce HOCl is its purist form with simply just salt, water and electricity by a process called Electro Chemical Activation. Our products are free from any toxic chemicals.
HOCl is completely user friendly for a variety of applications.
HOCl in terms of its effectivity against germs has been well researched and clinically tested to be potent against various pathogen types.
Hypochlorous acid has been adopted worldwide for its disinfecting capabilities whilst still remaining safe, non-toxic, eco-friendly and biodegradable. HOCl at its full concentration poses no risk to humans, animals, or the environment.
HOCl’s effectivity has been well observed through numerous laboratory and clinical studies which meets local and international standards and guidelines. The nature of HOCl as a biocide is highly effective and versatile in order to reduce the microbial load.
The flexibility of HOCl is to create a bio-secure environment is remarkable since it can be applied through many applications.
A very effective way to clean the air is through humidifying or fogging. The advantage here is that there is no need for the area to be evacuated as it is safe to humans.
Therefore, HOCl has a great impact for improving our sanitary conditions in reducing the spread of germs, not only for the COVID-19 pandemic, but for all germs which tend to make us sick including the flu and common cold viruses.

About IQ Green Solutions (Pty) Ltd

IQ Green Solutions (Pty) Ltd, is a company that has invested in the research of ECA applications and the development of various HOCl based products. ECA is a state of the art technology with applications for a cleaner environment for water treatment industries, food industries, livestock industries, medical and health solutions as well as a replacement for antibiotics in some cases.